Thursday, 27 March 2008

9/11 Megaritual #1 - Kingkilling

New York was a carefully chosen target. Many a time has it been destroyed on celluloid, by spacemen and monsters, asteroids and global warming. Those big solar phallic obelisks seem to attract cosmic destruction.

I should mention the film Cremaster 3. Masons, it would seem, really like doing their rituals up in them there sky-pokers. Well, 9/11 was the ultimate skyscraper based ritual, so here we are.

Just the other night Channel Four were showing The Day After Tomorrow, New York took it again.

Perhaps this is always a ritual playing out for the minds of the masses. Perhaps New York itself has importance, certainly for ritual purposes. I won't go into whether these rituals work by supernatural means or psychological means, it doesn't greatly matter.

The city was chosen for theatrical effect, as the backdrop and protagonist in the life and death struggle. Fitting for a theatrical production.

Many a city is built on a swamp. DC, London, Liverpool (black pool), Dublin (black pool). Not Blackpool, funnily enough, although they have their own problems with that little Eiffel Tower and their infamous "illuminations". Blackpool. Black Water.

Blackwater. An infamous group there, the crusaders of death, the self-proclaimed fundamentalists (a group often associated with Moonies, pederasty and all forms of unChristian conduct) who profit from the wars of the evil one. A private army based in a big swamp. A dismal swamp, I believe. Run, in recent years, largely by one Schmitz. Certainly a can of worms there to open, one I'll come back to on another occasion, but here suffice it to say the Elder Schmitz, the daddy of Mary Kay Letourneau the paedophile, was a prominent member of the American government at one stage and he and his two sons link to everything from Bosnian sex slave trading to the Iran Contra scandal and the infamous missing trillion from the pentagon. Letourneau is related to Jeb Bush, in fact. By marriage. Then there's the sexual mutilation of Letourneau's half-brother. Who was born to one of her father's students. And she's famous as a teacher who preyed upon a student of hers. But the doctors say the mutilation was probably an accident, so let's move on.

The Hollywood maestros were at it again on 9/11, carefully orchestrating a scene that would be understood only by the initiates but would influence those who failed to understand. Stephen Knight, before he was struck down by his convenient cancer noted that those Masons at the highest ranks undoubtedly include those who don't understand their rituals. They don't all have to. Those who understand go through it knowing what's going on, the others are mere useful idiots, foolish old men with aprons and rolled up trouser legs.

The truths go unsaid. the initiates have no need of them, the rest no desire.

So it was. The targets were chosen and the methods decided long before. Every detail.

Those flight numbers were interesting. They were, of course, channeled long ago through the idiot sage Crowley, the weak willed smack head who proselytised the Will. Those who seek mastery of the Will are likely to become slaves of outside powers. Too much spiritual ambition. But no matter, the numbers were handed to him by his tall turbaned middle easterner, who I will call Osama bin Aiwass.

Flight 93 is the most interesting of numbers, and of flights. It symbolises, in the Crowleyite conception, the thelema, or will. Interesting, then, that it should be destroyed like that. Symbolic, indeed, of the destruction of the Will of those watching, the objects of the ritual. Symbolic also is that Flight 93 crashed, allegedly unbidden, into a field in the middle of nowhere. All the hero myth is fiction, no-one "rolled". There's a big list of alleged targets. No evidence for any of them. Information received, as they say. Information received seems to have become remarkably unreliable. Anyone'd think it was all coming from victims of torture in Guantanamo and the rhetoric of terrorists.

So, where was it heading? To where it went, of course. The little field was always the target. Incompletion was the name of the game. On its way, supposedly, to the White House or somewhere similar ("Angel is Next!") but always designed to never get there. The pyramid on the dollar has no capstone. I wouldn't normally take too much notice of the official story for this, but it's that it symbolises incompletion. That the Republic can never be perfect and will constantly change and evolve. So we have it. The ritual of 9/11 didn't finish on 9/11. It was left open ended, and remains so today.

Coincidentally, or synchronistically if you prefer, the "twin towers" were built specifically to withstand the impact of airliners. As a conspiracy theorist, I have many problem with attributing such things to conincidence. They were built by the Rockefellers, of course. Links galore there. I've always been tempted by the notion that 9/11 was an insurance job. All about the money. It's the Marxist in me talking. It's the mysterious short selling, it's the fact that he'd just got his insurance policy and the place goes down, it's the suspicious records which were under investigation before being smashed in the attack, covering a multitude of sins. "Pull it." Not half.

But the Rockefellers. The plan to withstand a plane impact. The prefiguring was directed by an intelligence, human if not otherwise. In this case I think it's likely to be human. The WTC, in other words, was set up like a lamb bred for the slaughter.

Margeret Murray, of whom I'm not fan, published a theory that the kings of England have all died occultic sacrificial deaths. One of her less popular theories, it was. Didn't get picked up by the feminists of later generations, so it gets ignored.

It's a common theme. To get the best victim for the sacrifice you need to breed and test him. 1984, it turns out they could see poor Winston Smith all along. He was never really a rebel, just being let out on the line so he would be ripe for sacrifice, in that case not physically. Ambler in Ludlum's "The Ambler Warning". (Ludlum seems to have more knowledge than he lets on. In The Sigma Protocol one of the main characters is Max Hartmann, whose real life namesake supposedly retrieved the Spear of Destiny from its Antarctic resting place.) The copper in "The Wicker Man", which is an excellent example. They fed a lie to the authorities to get a copper sent, tested his virginity and so on. Then the burning. Neo in "The Matrix". Again, "The One" was just to bring the humans to the consummation of their defeat.

They were all sacrificed not because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but because of very careful planning.

Perhaps a good example from reality is Jeff K, or JFK if you prefer. A man from a certain bloodline himself, perhaps the Cameron bloodline of Montauk but certainly the Nazi friendly Kennedy line. Supposedly the father was told that his actions had cost him a son. He was far from the man the public believes. He was evil, initiating MONGOOSE among other things. Yeah, there were prosaic reasons to get rid of him, although not as many as for his brother later on. But I don't think that's why he was killed. He was always for the slaughter. The PR, which would crush a true dissident, was for him and his Camelot.

Ah, Camelot. We'll be back there. But they needed a man in whom laid all the hope of the people to make him the perfect sacrifice. Hence the difference: perception and reality.

Camelot, yes. JFK, they say, was related to the Kings of England. Might be true. Could also be true that Cerdic, founder of Wessex and nominal ancestor of the current royal clan, was the son of Arthur. A line. A bloodline going back the the dragon kings and beyond. The sacrifical king. Jeff K may have been a symbolic king in more ways than one. See the King Kill, of course.

Twin towers. There were two. Two Towers, as Tolkien would have it. Something else was happening in 2001, when the demolition occured. The towers of the Empire Stadium, Wembley were being demolished to make way for the New Order. They were truely the most iconic pieces of football architecture in the world, by an extremely wide margin. A little English branch of the megaritual.

I miss those towers. The replacement Wembley was phenomonally expensive.

Tarot, too, has a tower card. A tower, generally, being struck by lightning and with corpses around. Based on the Tower of Babel. It was the World Tade Centre, very Babylonian. We all know what happened to that tower, of course. I'm trying to stay focused on the 9/11 aspects here, but my mind is wandering elsewhere. What is World Trade Center in Italian? Centro Mundiale Commerciale. Well, holy mackerel! Wasn't that part of the JFK assassination? And isn't it mentioned, in a surprisingly bried fashion, in Ganser's book "NATO's Secret Armies", documenting the Gladio network of clandestine terror cells and stay behinds run by the CIA/MI6 in post-War western Europe? Mentioned, indeed, as an offshore tool of the "BNDII", one of the apparently several German Gladio affiliates, part of the BND which was formerly the Gehlen Org. So here we have JFK - CMC World Tade Centre - WTC World Trade Centre. Could be a coincidence, but suggestive is the US branch of the CMC. It was not translated as the World Trade Centre. It was Internatonal Trade Mart. Why not a direct translation if there was nothing to hide?

The Tarot tower. Wiki says:

"To some, it symbolizes failure, ruin and catastrophe."

Yes, to some it would. To others, of course, it's different. Hence the meaning of the ritual.

"Epiphanies, transcendental states of consciousness, and Kundalini experiences may result."

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